Our Services
Cross-border advice
Whatever your business destination, we will be happy to help you with more than just the legal aspects. In most countries around the world (even in the less traditional ones) we have proven and solid contacts to help you with your legal, tax or business assignments. Our law firm can assist you in setting up these cross-border collaborations, in communicating with foreign law firms and other partners, and in supporting your business case so that your foreign counsel can effectively represent you while you control the associated costs.
We will prepare and negotiate contracts relating to orders for various supplies of goods and services from abroad, cross-border transfers of assets including cross-border transfers of company plants. We can assist you in cross-border company conversions and cross-border company acquisitions or sales. We can also assist in dealing with insolvencies with a cross-border aspect. In all these matters, one of the partners of our law firm will always be at your disposal.